OJJDP’s 50th Anniversary Administrators’ Forum: “JJDPA Through the Decades”

OJJDP 999 Capitol Street NE, Washington, DC

On September 7, OJJDP celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). This landmark legislation set federal standards for the safe and equitable treatment of young people who encounter the juvenile justice system. The legislation also established OJJDP to provide national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to youth […]

Webinar On Differing Approaches to Measuring and Ensuring IRB Effectiveness

The HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the FDA Office of Clinical Policy (OCLIP) are co-hosting a live public webinar to hear from research ethics professionals and the public about differing approaches that may contribute to ongoing efforts to measure institutional review board (IRB) effectiveness in protecting human subjects in research. This virtual […]

NCJA Policy Session: Artificial Intelligence

NCJA's Topical Policy Sessions focus on criminal justice policy topics that are part of the national conversation. These members-only virtual sessions, take place throughout the year and allow members to engage with experts and ask questions about how the conversation around that policy is unfolding. This session will explore advancements in artificial intelligence and machine […]

Advancing the Science of Implementation Science for Law and Justice

National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States

The Committee on Law and Justice, in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice, will hold a hybrid public seminar which will explore the state of implementation science within the […]

2024 ASC Annual Meeting

San Francisco Marriott Marquis 780 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

Criminological Research and Education Matters: People, Policy, and Practice in Tumultuous Times These are tumultuous times. Massive misinformation abounds as political polarization continues to be consequential for our lives. Trust in science is declining as global warming persists. Confidence in higher education is eroding as compelling research on pressing social problems, including those related to […]
