Our Centers

Over the years, JIRN has maintained a variety of project websites. These have included the Bureau of Justice Assistance Evaluation website, Community Capacity and Development Office’s Weed and Seed Data Center, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Resource Center, Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) Program Technical Support Center, Juvenile Justice Evaluation website, National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center, and the Tribal Justice Statistics Assistance Center. Currently, JIRN maintains the Center for Victim Research and the Incident-Based Research Resource Center websites.

Current Centers

Center for Victim Research website screen capture

Center for Victim Research (CVR)

The Center for Victim Research is a central location for victim service providers and researchers to connect and share knowledge, increasing access to victim research and data and utilizing this research and data for crime victim services nationwide. We use the following strategies to improve the responses to victims:

  • Promote the collection and use of victim data;
  • Increase access to research evidence;
  • Support the translation and dissemination of victim research; and
  • Improve researcher and practitioner collaboration.

Visit the Center for Victim Research


Incident-Based Reporting Resource Center

The objective of this Resource Center is to facilitate the use of state Incident-Based Reporting Systems (IBRS) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) by providing up-to-date and relevant information, resources, and tools for those with active IBR programs as well as those conducting research and analysis of IBR/NIBRS data.

Vist the Incident-Based Reporting Resource Center

Past Centers

The resources produced from our past projects can be found in our Justice Information Center in the JRSA Community.

BJA Center for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement website screenshot

BJA Center for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is committed to the importance of program evaluation and to developing and enhancing evaluation capabilities at the state and local levels. Evaluation results provide policymakers and program managers with information for future program development and can be used to modify and improve existing programs. The Evaluation Web site provided State Administrative Agency staff, criminal justice planners, researchers, evaluators, and local practitioners with resources for evaluating criminal justice programs.

CCDO Weed and Seed Data Center website screenshot

CCDO Weed and Seed Data Center

The purpose of the Community Capacity and Development Office (CCDO) Weed and Seed Data Center was to facilitate the dissemination of program data to Weed and Seed participants, policymakers, and the public, as well as to provide additional resources to Weed and Seed Program participants. The center included Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) data and custom demographics/program information for each participating community.

Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) Technical Support Center website screenshot

Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) Technical Support Center

The JAIBG Technical Support Center, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), provided technical assistance to states with calculating local allocation amounts under the JAIBG formula. The centers’ staff provided crime and expenditure data collected by the Federal government, along with supporting documentation, formula calculations, and allocations for each state.

Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center website screenshot

Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center (JJEC)

The Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center (JJEC), funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) was created to enhance the ability of States to evaluate the effectiveness of their juvenile justice programs. The goal of this project is to provide useful resources and practical technical assistance that will strengthen the ability of local and State policymakers,program administrators and staff,and evaluators to implement and use evaluation studies and their findings.

National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center (NJJEC)

The purpose of the National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center (NJJEC) was to assist state, local, and tribal entities with evaluating juvenile justice programs and implementing evidence-based initiatives. It provided several resources to guide juvenile justice agencies and practitioners to select, implement, evaluate, and sustain programs supported by research evidence. The National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center also offered training and technical assistance to enhance the evaluation and performance measurement capacity of states, tribes, and localities.

Tribal Justice Statistics Assistance Center (TJSAC) website screenshot

Tribal Justice Statistics Assistance Center (TJSAC)

The purpose of the Tribal Justice Statistics Assistance Center (TJSAC) was to provide training and technical assistance to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes to improve the quality and use of justice statistics in those communities. TJSAC did not collect data from tribal justice systems; rather, it provided information and training to help tribes use statistics more effectively.