Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs)
What is the State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program?
The State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program assists states with maintaining and enhancing their capacity to address criminal justice issues through the collection and analysis of data. The SJS Program provides limited funds to each state to:
- coordinate their statistical activities
- conduct research as needed to estimate the impacts of legislative and policy changes
- serve a liaison role in assisting BJS to gather data from respondent agencies within their states
What are Statistical Analysis Centers?
Through its SJS, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) supports Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) in the states and territories. SACs are units or agencies at the State government level that use information from the criminal justice system to conduct objective analyses of statewide and systemwide policy issues. There are currently SACs in 53 States and territories.
Where are Statistical Analysis Centers located?
The SACs vary in their placement within the State government structures. While most are within a criminal justice or general State planning or coordinating agency; some are part of a governor’s advisory staff; and others are in a line agency such as the State police, attorney general’s office, or department of corrections. There are also several housed in universities.
What do Statistical Analysis Centers do?
The SACs perform various activities, including collecting, analyzing, and distributing criminal justice data, conducting policy-relevant research, and designing and implementing automated information systems. As a result, SACs play a vital role in developing criminal and juvenile justice policy at the state and local levels. Their research provides evidence that policymakers use to guide their decision-making. By furthering the use of evidence-based practices in their states, SACs promote the effective and efficient administration of criminal and juvenile justice.
There are currently SACs in 53 states and territories. View the entire list of SAC contacts.
Click on a state to view the SAC contact.
SACs located in State Administering Agencies (SAA)
SACs located in other types of state agencies
SACs located in universities
States or territories without a SAC