JIRN is pleased to announce the resumption of our brown bag webinar series. These webinars will last 45-60 minutes and feature SAC staff discussing ongoing or recently completed work or other topics relevant to SAC staff. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Our first Brown Bag will feature JIRN President George Shaler discussing his work on the New Mexico Victimization Survey.
The purpose of the New Mexico Crime Victimization Survey was to understand the extent of criminal victimization, crime reporting, and assistance seeking for four types of crime (stalking, rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence) and to identify differences in rates between demographic groups. This survey, patterned after the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), found that forty percent (40%) of respondents had been the victim of at least one of the four types of crime within the last 12 months while they were in New Mexico.