Publication/Dashboard Review

Our Publication Review service provides a panel of reviewers to review your publications. Whether you need feedback on a policy brief, website project description, research summary, annual report, or any other written communication, we’re here to help!

Our Dashboard and Data Visualization Review service provides expert feedback to enhance clarity and effectiveness if you have a dashboard or other visual representation of data you’d like reviewed.


Apply to become a Peer Reviewer

JIRN maintains a cadre of qualified SAC staff who server as peer reviewers. Peer reviewer are selected to review a particular publication or dashboard based on their background and qualifications. Peer reviewers are financialy compensated for their time. If you would like to help your peers improve their work, please apply below.  


SAC Mutual Assistance Program (MAP)

JIRN provides training and technical assistance to SACs through the Mutual Assistance Program (MAP) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. SACs may request help on a wide range of topics such as research methodologies, innovative analytical techniques, sentencing guidelines, forecasting, policy impact evaluations, and review of publications.

The MAP was established in 1988 to match Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) that need assistance with other SACs, JIRN staff, or criminal justice researchers who have expertise in the area of need. This program allows SACs to learn from one another and build state capacity in policy analysis, research, and data development, opening a channel of communication between SACs. For more information please contact Jason Trask at