Feb 13, 2024 | Publication
This guide is intended to present police leaders with a framework for institutionalizing community engagement strategies to improve their personnel’s willingness to increase proactive, positive interactions with the community. It draws on the discussions from law...
Nov 14, 2023 | Publication
This report used new analytical techniques and newly available data to answer whether demographic factors are associated with two sentencing decisions: whether to impose a sentence of prison or probation, and the length of imprisonment when imposing a prison sentence....
Oct 23, 2023 | Publication
Change management has long been studied in the business community, and many models of organizational change have been proposed with applicability to public-sector organizations such as law enforcement agencies. This publication, Implementing Change in an Ever-Evolving...
Sep 26, 2023 | Publication
The report examines five fiscal years of data regularly collected by the Commission (FY17 – FY21) combined with specially collected data to provide a deeper understanding of escape offenses and the individuals who commit these crimes. The report provides the...
Sep 19, 2023 | Publication
The COPS Office and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) collaborated with the Police Executive Research Forum to develop this resource to help law enforcement agencies manage the risks of conducting and not conducting vehicular pursuits. This...