Justice News
U.S. Needs to fill Gaps in Crime Statistics
The American Statistical Association recently published an article in their member magazine AMSTATNEWS based on Dr. Janet L. Lauritsen’s 2022 presidential address to the American Society of Criminology. It details Lauritsen’s assessment that the US lacks sufficient data for many types of crime and that the lack of data poses significant problems for determining whether government resources are...
Recent OJP and Other Justice-Related Publications
OJJDP – Trends and Characteristics of Delinquency Cases Handled in Juvenile Court, 2020
In this data snapshot, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's National Juvenile Court Data Archive documents workloads of the nation's juvenile courts. Caseloads for all...
BJS – Youth in Adult Jails and Prisons
Juveniles (persons age 17 or younger) arrested or convicted for a criminal offense may be housed in juvenile residential facilities or in adult jails and prisons, depending on state statute,...
COPS – Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC): COVID-19 Law Enforcement Impact and Response
Description:The COVID-19 public health emergency drastically affected law enforcement. The functions of law enforcement required in-person work and community interaction, and law enforcement...
OJJDP – Juvenile Court Statistics 2020
The National Center for Juvenile Justice has released "Juvenile Court Statistics 2020." This report describes delinquency and status offense cases handled between 2005 and 2020 by U.S. courts with...
NASEM – Reducing Racial Inequality in Crime and Justice
Description: The history of the U.S. criminal justice system is marked by racial inequality and sustained by present day policy. Large racial and ethnic disparities exist across the several stages...
BJS – Jails in Indian Country, 2022
Description: This report provides statistics on the demographic characteristics, most serious offense, and conviction status of persons held in Indian country jails. It also describes facility...
OJJDP – Juvenile Residential Facility Response to Covid-19
OJJDP has updated its Statistical Briefing Book with a new Data Snapshot reporting on responses to 2020 Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) survey questions posed by OJJDP and the National...